Friday, July 08, 2011


So my doc referred me to a hematologist (who also happens to be an oncologist). So when I called to make the appointment, the woman who answered the phone said "Oncology, this is So-and-So." Needless to say, my heart dropped down to my shoes. After setting up the appointment time she says, "Now, I don't want you to freak out, but when you come to the appointment, the door says 'oncology''s all in one unit." Don't you think she could have said that FIRST? Geez!

Regardless, I am still a bit freaked out as there is obviously something funky going on. And the reason my doc is both a hematologist and an oncologist is because blood disorders and cancer are so closely related. Great. Anyway, I have vowed to stay off the internet and stop trying to self-diagnose myself. In the meantime, I'm just focusing on drinking my 64 oz of water every day and eating foods high in iron. For breakfast, I had a green smoothie with blackstrap molasses, which is super high in iron. Plus, it was yummy! And high in fiber! And full of vitamins and nutrients! Loooove my green smoothies. I think I could work this angle and get Tom to buy me a

Anyway, Tom gets home today from a camping trip...he cut the trip short so he could be with me in my freak-out-edness. I think staying busy is the key. It's when I get in bed at night and there's nothing to distract me that my mind starts going to those scary places. Today has been good so far...this morning I went to an ICU Skills Fair for work where I had to get checked off on a bunch of stuff like ScVO2 monitors, IVDs and lumbar drains, temporary pacemakers, PA caths, sepsis screening, pressure ulcer prevention, rotational, that was nice and busy! Saw lots of people from my unit there...starting to feel like less and less of an outsider. In a few minutes I'm picking up my pal to grab lunch and go scrubs shopping...she starts her new job on Monday, so now all my friends have found nursing jobs...awesome!

Ok, off to make the house look like I semi-cleaned it before T gets back from his trip. Hugs to all!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

See I am reading your blog. I have you in my "Google Reader" so I know when you post a new post. Glad Tom is coming home early. Being by yourself can freak you out too. You are going to be fine. Call monday if you have any news.