Thursday, April 23, 2009

A busy busy week

Ok, I am midway through Crazy Week, and to be honest it's not that bad. I had clinical on Tuesday, but since I earned "minimal prep" for essentially being a fantastic student on all my other preps, then it wasn't too crazy. I still have to write a DAR note related to something I did on Tuesday and calculate how many pain meds I gave, but that's it!

On Wednesday we had our final check-off for our assessment class. They set it up like Jeopardy, with questions of varying difficulty worth different points. The goal was to get 200 points, which I did in 5 rounds I think...I screwed up one question regarding how to assess for a physiological split of S-2, but I can now say I'll never forget that little gem!

Tomorrow I am turning in a scholarship application, meeting with my study buddy to do case-studies for the Med/Surg final and then going to the hospital to pick out my final two patients. Then it's clinical on Saturday from 0620-1500, and again on Sunday from 0630-1200. Then it's home to almond champagne and a soak in the foot spa. Can't wait.

Gotta run...but remind me to write my general impressions of clinical. I think I have a serious problem in that I tend to fall in love with all my patients and I feel like crying when I think about how sick they are. I guess I'm just an old softy after all. Sigh.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Me and Susan Boyle have so much in common....

...mainly that we have FOLLOWERS! I just noticed I now have 6 followers and it's making me feel all tingly inside. Ok, that's nothing compared to the millions of hits the Susan Boyle youtube videos have garnered, but still...Rome wasn't built in a day!

On the off-chance that my fans (ok, followers) are pre-nursing students, I thought you might find this helpful...I made a website to help other students along their journey ('s chock-full of mainly my anal A&P notes, but I hope to add more goods as time goes on. Oh there's a highly entertaining blog of me doing audio notes for some of my classes...great for those nights when you can't fall asleep!

This coming week is the Clinical Week from Hell...which I will now call Hell Week. I've got clinical on Tuesday (1 patient) and then back-to-back Saturday and Sunday with 2 patients. I also have a comprehensive physical assessment check-off on Wednesday and a group presentation Monday morning.

Wish me luck! I'll repot back Sunday night as I enjoy a glass of wine and soak my feet!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

One class down, five to go...

My skills lab class ended early (it was front-loaded, which is a fancy word for hellish the first few weeks), and I ended up with an A...not an A- as I feared, but an actual, honest-to-goodness real A. Yippeeeee!

So, I only have FIVE more classes to finish off, and they entail 5 final exams, an ATI exam, 3 group presentations, 3 clinical days, 1 surgery day and a handful of quizzes. The countdown is ON!

With summer peaking its head around the corner, I am putting together my plan for those long months. Knowing me, I'll love the freedom for about 2 weeks and then boredom will set in. Not enough boredom to warrent me taking a class (I can't bear the thought of it), but enough to cause restlessness just the same. My plan so far is to:
- try to get some freelance writing work
- help my husband with his business
- get caught up on the bank statements (not a small task considering how many accounts we have and how far behind I am)
- study for the Sac State government exam so I can test out of that class
- meet with a study group once a week to review things we'll need to know for next semester
- go on some backpacking trips (this will necessitate me getting a backpack for my birthday!)
- go on day hikes up in the Desolation Wilderness
- ride my bike
- walk (this is part of my new plan to be more active)
- go to yoga class with my earnings from my freelance work
- work on my bestseller!
- lay around in the grass with a good book
- go to the beach in San Francisco at least 3 times
- cook!

Ok, that should keep me busy!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Wow, it's already a month later...

...and I have realized I am a terribly inconsistent blogger. Most days I just can't force myself to look at the computer for another minute so that's pretty much why I haven't been updating my blog. On top of that, I'm just so darn tired all the time that it's hard to fathom putting a sentence together. I guess I feel some pressure to be just as awesome at this as some of the other nursing school blogs I've read (namely the's fantastic), plus since I've been a writer for so long I feel pressure to write them well. Lucky for you I have a new philosphy that has been born out of nursing school you just can't be as anal and obsessive as you'd like to be. I just don't have time. Now when I have a project to do my main goal is to just get it done, and I save the anal/obsessiveness for things like care plans and clinical, where it really matters. Everything else gets about an A- effort and that's fine with me. We're in survival mode here folks.

So, in light of my new attitude, I will post more often, but don't expect it to be super thought-provoking or will be more of an update with deep thoughts sprinkled prn.

So, without further ado, here is an update from the past few weeks:
-I can no longer spell. If my brain weren't completely frazzled I'd suspect a neurological disorder. Seriously.
-I now have to consciously NOT report the time using the 24-hour clock since my regular friends don't know what the hell 1430 is.
-I find that I am giving report on my cat. When my husband gets home from work I give him a quick rundown of how the cats are doing. Seriously. Today it was that my older cat is being especially needy. Good golly.
-I gave my first injection (insulin, sub q) in clinical last week. I thought I'd be freaking out, but it was so not a big deal. The main issue for me is making sure I am safe, so I was more freaked out about drawing up the right number of units than I was about piercing someone's skin.
-I did an Accucheck without this wins bonehead move of the week. Actually, my CI caught it before I came into contact with any blood, but WOW, what a dumb thing to do.
-I saw my first hospital penis. Again, not as weird as I thought it was going to be.
-I get excited about goofy tasks like drawing urine for a U/A...if I get to dc a Foley or NG I am going to be stoked. I'd love to insert either, but those opportunities are few and far between...I guess a girl can dream though.
-I passed all my skills checkoffs on the first try, and that class is OVER so all I have to do for it is take a final this Wednesday. We are all freaked out about's worth like 40% of our grade and it's tricky and full of tiny details...grr.....
-I went to my first CNSA meeting last night and one of my classmates nominated me for something (Class Representative, I think...I have no idea what it entails, but if no one else is nominated I guess it's my slot by I really have time for this?)
-My CI wrote on one of my clinical preps that I am an "amazing student". Direct quote! This was, of course, prior to the glove-less Accucheck incident.
-I'm still exhausted, but not quite as shell-shocked. Looking forward to having some more time to study now that Skills Lab is over.
-The rest of the semester mainly involves finals and two big group presentations. Oh, and the ATI. So, I guess I'm still super busy but maybe I'm getting used to it? Just in time for summer break! are pretty much caught up!
