Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Here's the deal...

2nd semester was a bitch. Like a total and complete bitch. I have never in my life been so busy and gotten so completely sick of school! Buuuuuut, the good news's OVER! And, all my obsessive hard work paid off!!! Ended up with a 98% in Mental Health, a 96% in Advanced Med Surge, a ridiculous 100% in Nursing Research (thank gawd for extra credit and a humongo-curve on one of the midterms) and an A in Gero...(don't know the percentage, which is driving the OCD side of my brain crazy!). You can be rest assured I've already emailed the instructor to ask :-)

Like a moron, I went into this semester thinking I was going to be LESS busy than the previous one. HA! It was insane. Not only did we have two clinical days a week, but we had this ridiculous one-to-one mental health assignment that took about 6-8 hours every Friday. Add to that all the classes, clinical prep, huge-ass projects and exams and it was one busy busy semester.

This past two weeks have been back-to-back marathon study sessions for our 6 finals...four exams and two ATIs. When I hit the "submit" button on my Med Surg ATI my heart was about to pound right through my skin...I have never been so tense in an exam! Luckily I passed on the first try because I seriously don't think I could re-study for that far, the hardest test I've ever taken. It's really sad when a score in the 70's puts you in the 98th that's a hard test!

Ok, off to go do something decadent and lazy. Like watch a movie!!!!!