Saturday, May 31, 2014

She's crafty, too?

I just had to show off the cute cute cute little password book I made the other day. I have been on a cleaning spree lately (kinda like a spending spree but not nearly as much fun) and decided that my old password book was just not going to cut was black and boring and had absolutely no pizzazz at all. And when it comes to passwords, I am all about pizzazz!

So, I looked around and found a darling moleskine book just waiting to be transformed into something useful. I also looked around and saw my growing collection of washi tape and just knew that this was a match made in heaven...I would use the washi tape to make adorable, colorful, pizzazz-y alphabetized tabs for my password book. And it turned out beautifully!

Isn't it so cute you can hardly stand it???

This is the TOP SECRET place where I store log-ins and passwords under lock-and-key, an armed guard and a very hungry mongrel named Brutus. There's no need for things like passwords to be boring...everything can be beautiful AND functional if you just put a little thought and creativity into it...and the best part is, this didn't cost me any extra money as I had everything on hand that I needed. A win-win-win!

My old lady update

So after a load of research, doctor's visits, supplements, vitamins, juicing, dieting, yoga-ing, hydrating and cleansing I finally got my inflammatory issues under control. Pretty sure it was all diet related - a result of what's called "leaky gut syndrome" and a sensitivity to wheat and soy. Now that I've cut those two things out of my diet and mostly been focused on clean eating with loads of whole foods/veggies I have been feeling pretty great! My hands are still a little sore in the mornings, but nothing like they were. It was so bad at its worst that the pain would keep me up at night...shoulders, hands, knees, even my ankles ached! And getting down the stairs was ridiculous...I felt like an old woman. Now I trot down the stairs like a spry young thing...feels good to be back to normal again :-)

I know you were probably on the edge of your seat wondering what's going on with me...well, I'm pretty much all fixed up! And isn't because of anything any DOCTOR told me...the DOCTORS wanted to prescribe poisonous medication and diagnose me with rheumatoid arthritis. Phooey I said...and I took matters into my own hands (literally). See? Nurses rock...we really do.