Monday, June 09, 2008

I can bench press 40 pounds!

Ok, when you look at it written out like that it doesn't sound like much. But I was totally stoked anyway. That means I can probably lift the bar weights on it, just the bar. How cool is that? Ok, it's not totally cool. Totally cool would be racking up some weight, but I'll settle for graduating the to the least for now!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

First day, first impressions

So I went to my first day of summer school yesterday at the Sutter Center for Health extension campus that is muuuuuuch nicer than the digs at American River College. For those of you who can't keep up with my ridiculous course schedule, I am taking the second segment of Anatomy & Physiology after having killed the first segment last semester. However, this course is compressed into only 8 weeks, so I'm expecting it to be a different kind of hell entirely. After one day (and 5 hours of sitting in the same spot), these are my first impressions:

- My instructor is young and kinda cute. I doubt I'll want to crawl under the table when he talks about penises and vaginas in the upcoming chapter on the reproductive system, the way I would have in Dr. K's class (instructor from last semester)
- He seems very organized...but his lecture style and slides/outlines are COMPLETELY different from what I'm used to. It took me 2-3 hours last night to type up my notes from class because I had to look for information in at least 4 different places. Yuck.
- Facilities are very nice. There's a little break room with a vending machine that spews out really bad coffee (but hey, it's coffee!), a microwave and a really nice outdoor area for lounging.
- All the models are brand new
- No wet lab...meaning no dissecting!!!!!! Yippeeeeeee :-)
- The schedule is hellish. I have a test in less than two weeks. Good lord.
- The last exam is take home!
- The final is optional since he drops your lowest test yay...hopefully I'll be able to ditch the final!
- Quizzes every day using those new-fangled "clicker" things.
- The chairs are kinda weird, and aren't deep enough to allow me to sit cross-legged...a major bummer
- Did I mention no dissecting??????

So...that's it! I'll try to update this blog at least once a week while I'm in school because I am simply not going to have time to stay in touch with my peeps "one-on-one" the way I normally do. Consider this your link to Mo for the next 8 weeks!