Thursday, May 31, 2007

Lost Half a Pound...I'm back baby!

I am just trying out my new weight-loss ticker...see if this works.

Did it work? Yes it did! ( it didn't!)

In hair news...I am entering the bag-lady stage. Here's proof:

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I've Gained a Pound...WTF?!?!?!???

Either I am seriously retaining water or I have been pigging out waaaaay too much lately. Stepped on the scale this morning, fully expecting to see a drop of a pound or two. Nope! It went up by a little over a pound!!!!!! So, I am going to do an refined carbohydrates, wine, Tofutti Cuties or sweets for a whole week...I will weigh in again on June 6th. Stay tuned! (oh woe is me...a week without Tofutti Cuties! What is the world coming to?!?) My friend Liz says I need to "eat more protein and less carbs", but the food I love is awash in refined carbos...I will do my very very best to stay away from the Tofuttis and the wine though. Here's a look at today:

Breakfast: Pineapple and a banana and a whole-wheat, organic pop-tart type thingy
Snack: Eggplant Hummus & half a whole-wheat pita
Lunch: Apple & Tomato soup (see how good I am today!)
Snack 2: Beans (Vegan baked beans to be exact...not just a boring ol' can of beans)
Snack 3: Jolly Rancher (Sugar Alert!)
Dinner? Hmmmmm....maybe some Edamame and Indian's Fusion Cuisine at its finest!

p.s. I am sooooo hungry today!

In other news, our Science Project is going well! It is now Day 4 of 30 without any grocery shopping or dining out (at least on my end...Thomas likely cheats and goes out to lunch). Slowly but surely the goods are getting all 'et up'. I really should take a picture of my fridge, you would not BELIEVE it! We have more condiments than a frat house full of bachelors...seriously.

Good Kitty: Started my financial filing stuff...wasn't as fun as it sounded in the book, so I stopped part way.
Bad Kitty: Aforementioned Jolly Rancher
Short Term Goal: Go to early morning yoga at least ONCE in June!

Hugs to all my peeps! Oh, here's a cute picture of Shakey Jake to please all you cat lovers out there...he's my little Killing Machine..isn't he just grand?

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Welcome to my Science Project

Our fridge and cabinets have gotten to the point where it is impossible to squeeze any more items in...putting anything in takes an advanced degree in physics and since I barely squeeked by with a BA in Communications, then Hubby and I are embarking on an experiment: Not to go grocery shopping for an entire month! Soy milk is the one exception...and since we signed up for a CSA (community supported agriculture) and will be getting a big ol' box of fresh, organic produce every week...we really have no other reason to go to the market. Yay!

The interesting thing will be what we actually know how it gets when you get down to eating whatever is on hand.

Tom's Dinner: Leftover Turkey Burger and Tomato Salad
My Dinner: Edamame and a vanilla Tofutti Cutie (these are THE BEST soy "ice-cream" sandwiches EVER!!!!!)

See what I mean about weird meals? We are also going to try our hardest to NOT go out to a restaurant until my birthday...June 24th. Think of all the money we'll save:-)

Can we do it?????

Science Experiment Day 1 of 30.

Good Kitty: Went to yoga this morning
Bad Kitty: Ate a Tofutti Cutie for DINNER. Hellooooo!!!!!?????!!!
Short Term Goal: Get my filing system set up for all my financial info according to David Bach's Smart Women Finish Rich.
Long Term Goal: The $$, pay off the tax man, be more philanthropic, love more

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My big fat ass

So my friend Pam came to visit for a few days and during that time she got suckered in to messing around with my husband's flight simulator computer game. Well, the experience "turned her ugly" (her words), and she proceeded to tell me to sit my "fat ass down and try it". The sad thing about this little ditty is that she's ass is fat. I have been working on some weight loss strategies lately, but kinda goofing them up. Example: I read a few books about NOT dieting...using your "thintuition" and just eating when I was hungry and stopping the food fest when I was no longer hungery. The problem? I took this as a license to eat junk food and didn't eat much "real food". Not good.

So now that I am back to my "nearly vegan" ways, I am expecting the fat to just slide right off, provided I don't fall into the vegan junk food trap. One bonus I have noticed after 3 weeks of NO dairy and NO meat...LESS CELLULITE! Now, I haven't quantified it or anything, but my buns look decidedly less dimply (though, according to Pam..still fat). I will see if I can count them or something and report back.

Good Kitty: Went to Wendy's for a quick lunch and got a baked potato (dry) and a side salad. NO FRIES!!!

Bad Kitty: Meant to workout this morning...opted to snuggle instead.

Short Term Goal: Increase my run/walk laps from 6 to 8 by June 4th, with one full running lap in there somewhere.

Nursing Goal Update: Enrolled in Microbiology and Sociology for next semester. The Biology class is going to take some creative scheduling with my work folks. Hmmmm...

Going back to my old ways...

Well, I am going back to my old ways ladies and gents...and no, that does not mean I'm practicing the wild and loose behavior of my college days. It means I am "going veg" baby! The reason I say I am "nearly vegan" is based on two things: 1) I am not perfect and occasionally take a bite of a luscious restaurant-created dessert that more than likely includes dairy; 2) Like many gals, I have a shoe and handbag fetish that I hope to cure someday. So rather than put myself out there as a full-on vegan, I am being completely honest with my "nearly vegan" lifestyle. The main challenge will be not freaking out my husband who, for some reason, gets all uptight when I talk about being a vegetarian. So, I'm just not going to mention's already been 3 weeks and he hasn't even noticed (or at least he hasn't complained!).

I am also in the process of trying to lose some weight, which is one of the reasons I turned back to my nearly-vegan lifestyle. I was vegetarian for a couple of years (vegan for most of that time), but got hit with some major food boredom once I stopped spending any quality time in the kitchen...I hardened my heart, repressed everything I knew about animal suffering and health and embarked on a 3-year journey back to the average American diet. Not only have I gained about 20 pounds (ugh!), I never did feel quite right about it, but went along with the crowd and chose convenience over compassion.

Well those days are over...the more I read about the food industry and the intelligence and beauty of animals, the more I want to do my small part to help end animal suffering AND achieve optimal health. So...come along with me on this exciting journey as we explore the scrumptious world of vegan eatin'!