Tuesday, July 08, 2008

On the Fitness Front...

Ok, so don't tell my hubby but for his B-Day I got him this cool thing by Nike that you put in your shoe and it logs your running mileage...somehow it communicates all this to your iPod so you can analyze your running program on your iPod. It's way cool. So, in conjunction with that I signed the two of us up for a 5K on September 14th...that's not very far from now considering that I get winded if I jog for more than 2 minutes straight.

So...to gear up for our big run I am running with the help of a Podcast called "Couch to 5K", which basically turns even the laziest person ever (me) into a runner in 9 weeks. Since I am also trying to talk my friend Cheri into doing a duathlon on August 24th, I am compressing my 9 week running plan down to 7 or so. And yes, I know that the whole idea is to gradually ease into running, but hey...I can bench press 40 pounds and do 3.5 "real" push-ups, so it's not like I'm starting at groun zero here. :-)

Oh, I also got him a wobble-board, which is kind of one of those things that I think he'll like but that I KNOW I'll like. If I were cool enough to do links I'd do them here so you could check it out, but alas...I am not that cool.

Call me Super Nerd

I will be the first to admit that I am having The Most Un-Summer Summer Ever. I am taking the second component to Anatomy & Physiology and it is surprising how things like this just take over your life. One minute I'm chatty and interesting at parties and the next I'm only able to discuss lymph nodes and afterload. Riveting.

At this point I am halfway through the class...we have our third exam next Thursday, then there's only one more "regular" exam...the last one is take-home, I'm thinking because it's given just a couple of days after text #4 and there's no way to assimilate all the information in that short of time. Plus, the final is optional, so as long as I do well on my next two tests, then I can kind of skate for the final week or so of class. So, that means only 2.5 more weeks of super-intense A&P. Yippeeeee!

So right now we're studying the circulatory system, having finished up on the heart last week. I have to say that this stuff is much more interesting than I thought it would be...just the regulation of blood pressure alone is really really interesting. So, the good news is that even though I'm borING I am not at all borED. For this chapter, the main challenge is memorizing most of the arteries and veins of the body and being able to recite a pathway, say from the ascending aorta to the anterior tibial artery. I'm doing pretty good on all the extremities, it's the trunk that is the most confusing...there are a lot of vessels in that area! I'm almost got the arteries down, though...and will start memorizing the veins probably tomorrow. Again, I am just riveting at parties.

What else is new? My hubby is interviewing with a fire department in the armpit of California, and knowing our luck this will be the one that he lands. Plus, only 5 guys showed up to the initial cattle-call interview and they're hiring 3 or so. So, compared to odds of about 100 to 1, this is pretty good. The only thing I can think of to keep myself sane is that I'll be so busy with nursing school that I won't notice what an armpit I'm living in...is this the case? Anyone? I don't even want to THINK about what would happen if I didn't get into a program...that would be really not good with a capital R-N-G.

Ok, off to read all my other favorite blogs...wasting time when I should be studying is one of my guilty pleasures!