Sunday, June 28, 2009

Still not studying...still cooking

I still haven't been able to force myself to study and why should I? I'm having too much fun making cupcakes! Who knew this would turn into a cooking blog when I was on break?

These little darlings are from the cookbook, "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World". I'm not a strict vegan or anything, it's just that when i cook I prefer to do it as animal-free as I'm convinced it forces me to eat more veggies. Ok, I realize a cupcake is a not a veggie...sad but true.


LivingDeadNurse said...

cupcake a veggie? now that would be awesome

Mo said...

I guess I could make carrot cake cupcakes??? That would be a veggie!

LivingDeadNurse said...

swing by and grab your award...its the 2nd one on the blog