Sunday, August 21, 2011

Yummy cereal and a new veggie!

In my efforts to be as healthy as humanly possible, I went to the farmer's market today in search of delish organic produce. Sadly, most of the farmers at the market use pesticides, making it a not-so-healthy experience after all. I did happen across a couple of organic stands, and picked up something I've never had before...a lemon cucumber! Isn't she pretty?

I am going to try to pick up something new every time I go...I also went to the Co-op and got a few new fruits (I forget what they're is a melon and the other was a type of plum or apricot or pluot...I don't remember, but I'm sure they'll be amazing!). As for the cereal I made today...super delish! Here's the recipe:

Mo's Awesome Breakfast Cereal
1 cup or so of fresh organic berries
1 T freshly ground flax seed
1/4 cup or so of chopped raw walnuts
1 T of hemp seeds
1 T raw shredded coconut
1/4 cup raisins
1 tsp cacao nibs (optional)
1/3 cup raw granola (optional)
Almond milk

It's so good! I just realized a drizzle of agave nectar or honey would be super yummy too!

In other news, I took my third shot of Interferon on Friday night. I slept like a rock, then had another loooong nap on Saturday. Happily, I don't work any Saturdays for the next 6 weeks, so I can get a feel for how the medication affects me. If I keep up my napping habit, I'm going to have to tell my manager I can't work Saturdays, but would really rather keep things on the down-low until I get hired into a permanent position.

Off to clean the house before I totally run out of steam!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Hey I grew lemon cucumbers a couple of years ago in my garden.