Sunday, August 14, 2011

Homestead Mo

When one makes green juice, one goes through the vegetables in a big way. For example, my absolute most favorite juice that I would like to drink every day has 4-5 carrots, 4 stalks celery, one apple and one lemon. I am constantly going to the Co-Op for carrots, celery and lemons! I buy the apples in bigger quantities b/c they last a while, but even when I buy the 5 lb bag of carrots, I am still always running to the store! And some juices take a whole head of romaine plus a bunch of other while it is a great way to pack in massive amounts of nutrients, it is rather time/money consuming.

So...I am planting vegetables! Tom took out two or three rose bushes that were getting all our great vegetable-growing sun and I planted romaine, broccoli, swiss chard and onion in that spot. Yesterday at Home Depot we bought a wine barrel planter and in that I planted some other lettuce (butter maybe?), chives and some other kind of onion. I also picked up some carrot seeds. I need to find a pot or two and get those babies going...apparently carrots around here do better in pots b/c the soil is so dense.

Once we get our bathroom/plumbing project finished, I'll have another area in the back that gets pretty decent morning sun...might be able to plant something there...not sure. The tree in the yard has gotten so big that it's casting a lot of shade, which would ordinarily be a good thing!

Aaaand, for our anniversary we planted a Meyer Lemon tree...he's a little dwarf tree and so cute! No lemons yet and probably won't get any until the spring, I'm guessing...especially if he gets cold over the winter. He looks pretty hearty though...a fighter! Ha!

There is an awful lot to learn about is rather overwhelming. Maybe I'll look for a gardening class somewhere...though there is a ton of information online...where to start? Anyway, I'll take pics in a few weeks once things take hold and start to look less pathetic...they always look so pathetic straight out of the little containers. The chives and onions are all floppy, but I'm sure everything will perk up soon!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Hey thought you would like this. I was checking my strawberries this morning (a few are almost ready to pick, second crop this summer) and I almost stepped on a big gardener snake. Is the biggest I have every seen. I also let out a quick yell. Happy gardening!