Thursday, August 11, 2011

My platelets are under a million!

Yippee Skippee! I just got my results back and everything else is normal. My platelets have been over the million mark since I got checked on July 21st, and though I'm still in the "way too high" range, I am no longer in the "oh my god, I could have a stroke any minute" range. At least I hope not (knock on wood folks, in case I just jinxed myself!)

Needless to say, I will continue on my regimen of fish oil, vitamin E oil, aspirin and such (all of these decrease platelet clumping and basically "thin" the blood). Tomorrow is my second injection of interferon, so not sure yet if it's the interferon that's working or my body's amazing ability to "literally heal itself" (to quote Michael that episode and win a prize!).

In other news, I may have a broken toe. I bashed it up pretty good and it's an unhealthy shade of purple. I went to get an x-ray and will hear tomorrow if it's broken or not. Nonetheless, I had to call in sick for tomorrow as I can't be on my feet with a maybe broken hurts!

Wish I could celebrate the platelets with a glass of wine...guess I'll settle for a glass of green juice instead...

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Just wanted to let you know that made my day to hear your news. But that green drink is scary. :)