Monday, December 01, 2008

Two more days!

Last Wednesday the admissions person at Sac State sent an email to all the applicants letting us know that they would be emailing admissions decisions after 5:30 on Wednesday, Dec. 3rd. Of course, I didn't get the email which caused for a very tense Thanksgiving holiday, but I'm hoping it was just due to a glitch in my email address and not some subliminal message on their part. I have since updated my email address with the school and am now just waiting. I am beyond nervous, to say the least!

I've been technically waiting since October 15th, but it's these last few days that are driving me crazy, and I'm trying to get myself prepared for all possibilities. I haven't even really delved too deeply into the "if I get in" scenario beyond knowing that it will be intense. I guess I don't want to be too let down if things don't go according to plan. Actually, I haven't thought too much about the "don't get in" plan either...guess I don't want to jinx it. I guess my Plan B would be to apply for next semester, volunteer in the meantime and take my other corequisites (pharmacology, government and U.S. history) while trying to earn a bit of money and also work on my bestseller. Soooo...I guess that's Plan B. What's Plan A? Jump around the house like a lunatic, jump around some more, cry, open champagne, call everyone, update this blog and jump around some more. The bummer is that my honey won't be home...I'm going to be all alone :-(.

Think positive thoughts (if anyone's out there!)

And, on another cat Oliver has decided that he is my Christmas present...


Caroline said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for what hopes to be your early Christmas present!!!!!!!!!! Keep us posted!

Mo said...

Thanks Caroline!!!!