Thursday, May 04, 2006

I've Got Better Things to Do Than My Hair

Well, after months of suffering through the dreaded "grow-out" stage, I have whacked off all my hair once again. Here is a not-so-great picture of me...I should've taken the time to put on some lipgloss. The great thing about short hair is the freedom factor and the fact that it always looks good, no questions asked. The downside is that I can't leave the house without lipstick and earrings, or else I look like a boy.

Other items of self-interest...I have recently started using my Bar Method and Chicometrics exercise DVDs. I will take measurements and try to keep track of the horror as it lessens over time. I've read some pretty amazing testimonials about both videos, especially Chicometrics ( The guy on the videos is funny in a folksy kind of way...keeps me from taking it too seriously. I decided since I've got a birthday (36...yikes!) and a wedding coming up I'd better start getting serious about losing some flab. Besides, I've got a ton of cute clothes that I can't squeeze my tushie into...time to change all that, for the sake of fashion if nothing else.

The wedding is less than four months away, so I figure it's probably time to start doing some planning. The trouble is, we have no idea what our budget is and never know how much money we're going to make. Ah, the joys of being self-employed. So far we do know it is August 19th in Gold Beach, Oregon. Stay tuned for more!

Goals today: No more chocolate (I've had my share...twice!)
Goals this week: Get all files off my old computer so I can be a single-computer gal, throw out old clothes & organize closet.

Good kitty: Exercised this morning :-)
Bad kitty: The cookies at the office :-(


Anonymous said...


Great to hear from you! Gee, it's been what, a day? Chloe will love to read about you guys!


Anonymous said...

hi,mo it's Chloe. How is truman?

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! I've put it in my favorites. August!! How exciting. Can't wait for the details.