Friday, May 05, 2006

Ignorance is Bliss

As you probably know, my kitty Truman was diagnosed with gastric lymphoma just over a month ago. According to the doctors, in all their infinite wisdom, he should be dead by now, or dead soon. Truman, however, seems to be the only one who did not get the memo. He's tooling around the house, purring like crazy, jumping into my lap, giving me love-bites and basically doing all his normal, cat-like things. The big question as of late has been whether or not to medicate. I tried a cancer drug called Cytoxan, but Truman knew something was up...not sure if it was the funky smell of the food, or the fact that I was wearing rubber gloves while I prepared it. Anyway, he took one taste and the jig was up.

For some reason, he hasn't tuned into the fact that his nightly "tuna-juice-treat" is prednisone in disguise, and we're going to try another drug starting Monday. We'll see how it goes. For now, he's doing great and sends his volumous love.

If we learn nothing else from Truman, it's that you're only as sick as you think you are. Oh, and of course, beware of chefs wearing rubber gloves.

Have a beautiful weekend all! We're planning a bike ride on Sunday...the dreaded Daffodil Hill...3 full miles of up, up, up. My butt gets sore just thinking about it.

Maureen & Truman

P.S. Check out this cute T-shirt I got at J.Crew!

Short-term goals: Same as yesterday, only I forgot what they were.

Good Kitty: Initiated an apology to Thomas this morning :-)
Bad Kitty: Should be working right now :-(


Anonymous said...

Oh Mo...I didn't know about Truman. He's a tough kitty. We're sending Truman healthy vibes. Especially Tulip...she sends extra smoochies, as well.

Anonymous said...

You just wanted to show your big boobs in that j. crew shirt, didn't you?

Mo said...

Hi "anonymous"...I know that's you Liz!