Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Garden of Eden

Hey there! If you've noticed my vocabulary lately has words in it like, "foxglove", "drip system" and "mulch", then it's because Tom and I have been working on the backyard! Yay! What started out as a huge expanse of weeds has become a mini-oasis (sort of...you have to squint and only look at one section of the yard under optimal lighting conditions, but hey...it's a start).

Here is a peek at our little slice o' paradise:

In other news...went on a bike ride on Sunday...I am happy to report that I made it up Daffodil Hill without stopping! It was touch-and-go there for awhile, but I managed to pull through. The reward was a nice long down-hill in which I may have broken my speed barrier. If not, I got close (it was either 36.1 mph, or 36.7 mph...next stop 37!)

A few of you have asked about Truman...thanks so much for your concern and kind words. He is doing good, though today there was some blood in his regurgitated catfood, but the vet prescriped some anti-vomiting meds and Pepcid. I'm hoping the vomiting isn't related to the cancer, and is just a factor of having a sensitive tummy. Poor guy. He says "thanks for thinking of me" and "meow" and a bunch of other indecipherable cat things that sound vaguely like "is this all that's for dinner?" and "where's my mousie?'.

Let's see...what else? I'm really trying to do exciting things so I'll have something exciting to tell you. Tom and I are doing the "Bay to Breakers" run on the 21st of May. Well, he's running and I'm walking it with my friend, Cheri. For anyone who doesn't know what this is, it's an annual run in San Francisco that starts at the Bay and goes all the way across town to the ocean. It's supposed to be rather outrageous as most things in San Fran are...outlandish costumes, people in their birthday suits and painted blue, music, etc... We're staying the night at a B&B in the Castro area...he doesn't know we're staying in a 99.9% male neighborhood and I'm going to just wait and see if he notices. Kind of like when I took him to "Brokeback Mountain" and told him we were going to see a western.

Well, gotta run and go help with dinner. Ciao and hugs!

Good kitty: Resisted the pull of "The Cookie Connection" while getting lunch today.

Bad kitty: I'm letting the laundry pile up...I hate laundry.


Anonymous said...

I keep telling Brian he needs to run the Bay to Breakers!! Perhaps next year. Love the oasis.

Anonymous said...


Looks great! How is Mr. Truman today? Call me later...
