Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Wow, I am really bad at blogging.

I really need to get more stick-to-itiveness in my life...not exactly  my strong suit. Maybe it's that my blog lacks focus (well, is being awesome a focus? If so, then I guess I'm covered), or maybe I just have ADD, or maybe I'm just lazy.

Either way, as the new year rolls around, one can't help but think of ways to make this year better than last year. Essentially the only New Year's Resolution I made was to be as awesome as possible despite this stupid blood disease and the fatigue-inducing medication I take to keep me from keeling over. A big part of that involves making healthier choices overall as I'm sure my craptastic diet as of late is not helping. With that said, I actually JUICED yesterday (and no, I did not take steroids...I made juice!). It has been so long since I used my juicer I almost forgot how to put it sad is that? I also forgot what a holy heck of a mess juicing can be. Regardless, I made some delish juice which I call "Sunrise Juice" is the recipe (it's the orange colored juice in this awesome pic):
A fruitful afternoon of juicing! Deee-lish!

Sunrise Juice
4-6 carrots
4 stalks celery
1 lemon
2 apples

As for the PV...been feeling run down for awhile now. In a stroke of sheer genius I realized that interferon therapy and night shift do not mix. I spoke with my oncologist/hematologist dude and he suggested I cut back my work hours while working nights. So that's what I'm doing...and despite having a horrible cold this past week, I can tell I'm going to feel a TON better with this adapted schedule. Hoping to get on day shift soon since I kinda sorta need a full produce is expensive!

Have an awesome day, all one of you who ever read this!

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