Wednesday, January 09, 2013

I am so high-tech and awesome, it's scary.

I realized as I was sitting here pondering life and awesomeness, that I probably don't blog as much as I should because I have two different blogs and it's sometimes a hassle to deal with them both. OK, to be fair, I haven't posted to my nursing-related blog since I started working as an actual nurse...see what I mean by hassle?

So, in a sheer move of awesomeness, I merged them together. You now have all my musings in one convenient place. Ta da! And though no one else reads's kind of neat to go back and read everything I've written over the years. Probably what keeping a journal is like, only I suck at keeping journals, too.
Good kitty: Had homemade juice with breakfast.
Bad kitty: Did not exercise today, but I'm sick so I get a pass.
Short-Term Goal: Get the office unpacked (did I mention we MOVED???)

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