Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hey Hot Mamma!

So if you've been reading my blog (and who hasn't), you will know I started a weight-training routine about 6 weeks ago. Amazingly, I stuck with it religiously for a whole month...woohoo! Then, I went and mucked up my hands at work so I've been basically "hands-free" for the past couple of weeks (though honestly, I think I found some other excuse to stop lifting weights prior to this...can't even remember what it was...ha!). Obviously, I can still type, but can't do any gripping motions at all...kind of necessary for grabbing those dumbbells! Anyway, I knew I needed to exercise but also knew I needed to give my hands a break. A Bikram yoga studio opened up near my house about a year ago and I finally decided to just bite the bullet and go. (Side note: Only a moron decides to start a Bikram practice in the summer.)

Days 1-3
I went for the first time last Friday on the spur of the moment...had about an hour before class started to "pre-hydrate" so it is no surprise that I felt kinda icky through a good portion of the class. I even had some panic moments in the last 25 minutes or so where I felt like I was going to suffocate if I had to breathe that hot-as-hell air for one more second. Needless to say, I spent a good portion of the class lying down or kneeling...hey, I ain't proud!

 The studio owner said the nausea would become less noticeable the more I came to class, and encouraged me to return the next day. I wasn't sold on the idea until (drum roll please....) I woke up that morning with NO PAIN in my hands. Major victory here folks! So, off I went...and it was indeed a much better experience. I still sat out some of the poses, but never had that panic feeling and didn't really feel much nausea either.

 If twice in two days is good...then thee times in three days must be even better...right? I woke up early (around 2:30) and rallied myself to go to the 4:30 class right before work. My original plan was to go right after I got off work and then sleep a peaceful, exhausted sleep. However, this idea was quickly pushed aside in favor of just skipping the yoga and going straight to the sleep part. I'd like to try it sometime though because it was quite the race to get showered, prettied and dressed in time for work...but I made it...soaking wet hair and all! Not sure if going right before work is the best idea as I was EXHAUSTED and feeling sick by 4am. Since I'm on light duty anyway, I decided to take an hour of PTO and ended up leaving work around 5:30am...slept all day today unit 6:30pm.

 My goal is to do as many classes in 10 days as I can...I think I can get 9 classes in if I try my "go after work" experiment on Sunday. If I do that, I can be home and showered by 10am and sleep a solid 6.5 hours. That's plenty, right? That's about all I ever get on work days anyway, and I'm hoping the yoga will help me sleep more deeply. We shall see. OK, it's 12:15 in the morning and I've got plans to hit the 9:15 class...probably should think about sleeping at some point :-)

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