Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I have workout ADD

Remember when I said I was going to start Body for Life on Monday? Well, as I was cruising the interwebs looking for information about women and weight training, I came across something awesome. The Venus Index.

The VI is a workout designed to accentuate the female shape...basically the hourglass figure. You do some easy calculations based on how tall you are and tells you the ideal measurements for shoulders, waist and hips...measurements that correlate to the Golden Mean. Yes, I just got all "da Vinci" on yo ass. Ha.

One of the things I LOVE LOVE LOVE about this program is that the workouts change each time. Yes, there are a general selection of exercises but they get mixed up a bit, poke their heads in here and there. One workout may have you doing Bulgarian Split Squats...another has you doing reverse lunges. It's brilliant because I do not at all like doing the same ol' routine week after week after week.

The program also helps you figure out how many calories you should shoot for each day, and this is where I pouted a bit. I HATE counting calories, hate it hate it hate it. (Yes, that was a temper tantrum). But after seeing the amazing (and I mean AMAZING) transformations of these Venus women, I was sold. We're talking about people who worked out, ran marathons and were still fluffy. They start doing the VI workouts and watching calories and BAM...instant goddess. Well, not instant...but goddess, for sure. We're talking fitness model awesomeness here.

Happily, I found a nifty little app called "My Net Diary" that makes counting calories pretty easy. It even has a barcode scanner function so you can log your packaged items super quick. So far, I dig it. Plus, it's helping me be more accountable. I found that I was reaching for some kind of a snack the other day and thought, "Do I really want to log that?" NOPE...drank some water instead, I think. I eat when I'm bored, so this is a very good thing.

After the first workout I thought I was going to die...the muscle soreness had me walking funny for a couple of days. Powered through the second workout though, and am happy to report that I went on a bike ride today...I thought it might help to work out some of the soreness. We shall see. I've got another resistance workout tomorrow, then two days off. Joy oh joy because I work three in a row this week. Blech. Hard to workout with those long shifts and flipped around schedule.

I guess that's it! Stay tuned for more awesomeness... :-)


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