Friday, April 13, 2012

Long time no bloggie.

I have admitted it before...I am an awfully inconsistent blogger. And besides, I think I only have one reader (Hi Cher!), so I don't feel that much pressure to update since I chat with said reader on a pretty regular basis. That said, I am going to try to get better at updating this thing as I am really looking for a way to stay motivated as I strive to get as fit and healthy as possible. I have had a bit of a setback in this department, but am starting to get more active again. Now if I could just dust off my juicer all would be bright and sunny. One thing at a time.

As for the stupid ol' bone marrow disorder...platelets at last check were 451! ALMOST there, ya'll! I'll be very happy when they drop below 400, and ecstatic if they ever drop into the 200s...that would be amaaaazing! If they get down to the 200s, I may talk to my hematologist/oncologist about decreasing my Pegasys dose. At the rate I'm going, that may be awhile, but at least I'm not having many side effects from the meds.

Sooooo....on the fitness front, I am starting Body for Life on Monday. I did the program waaaay back in my early 30's or so...I lasted about a month and got totally burned out. Sadly, I took before and during pics, and I could actually see a change. I kick myself all the time for not sticking with it. Anyway, since I know next to nothing about weight training and there is SO MUCH to learn, I figured that starting with BFL would give me a good, basic education and that I can embellish from there.

In other fitness news...I'm currently doing the Couch-to-5K training program and I'm on week 4. My runs this week involve intervals of jogging for 3 mins and 5 mins, with walking in between. I did one yesterday (in the rain, no less!) and it was fine. About 5 workouts from now is the dreaded 20-minute jog...we'll see how that goes.

I have also started climbing much fun! Getting back into the harness was tough...I had to start with the easy easy climbs, but am now back to doing 5.10a and am working on moving up to the 5.10b a few weeks I'll be back where I was before, playing on the 5.10c routes. Woo hoo! Now if I could just master those darn overhangs, I'd feel like a stud-ette. The scary thing about the overhangs, is that when you fall off them you swing waaaaay out. Super scary when you're 30-some feet off the ground. Yikes!

Ok...gotta dash and start planning my grocery list and meal plan for my first week of BFL. I need to try to find a way to stay away from the I recall I got totally "egged-out" when I attempted this before. Something about eggs stimulates my gag reflex if I have to eat them more than once or twice a week.


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