Saturday, April 18, 2009

One class down, five to go...

My skills lab class ended early (it was front-loaded, which is a fancy word for hellish the first few weeks), and I ended up with an A...not an A- as I feared, but an actual, honest-to-goodness real A. Yippeeeee!

So, I only have FIVE more classes to finish off, and they entail 5 final exams, an ATI exam, 3 group presentations, 3 clinical days, 1 surgery day and a handful of quizzes. The countdown is ON!

With summer peaking its head around the corner, I am putting together my plan for those long months. Knowing me, I'll love the freedom for about 2 weeks and then boredom will set in. Not enough boredom to warrent me taking a class (I can't bear the thought of it), but enough to cause restlessness just the same. My plan so far is to:
- try to get some freelance writing work
- help my husband with his business
- get caught up on the bank statements (not a small task considering how many accounts we have and how far behind I am)
- study for the Sac State government exam so I can test out of that class
- meet with a study group once a week to review things we'll need to know for next semester
- go on some backpacking trips (this will necessitate me getting a backpack for my birthday!)
- go on day hikes up in the Desolation Wilderness
- ride my bike
- walk (this is part of my new plan to be more active)
- go to yoga class with my earnings from my freelance work
- work on my bestseller!
- lay around in the grass with a good book
- go to the beach in San Francisco at least 3 times
- cook!

Ok, that should keep me busy!

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