Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Call me "Grain Girl" or "Gluten-Free Girl"...your choice

Welcome to Science Experiment #3!

I have been reading about nutrition a lot lately, and one approach that appeals is macrobiotics. Essentially, it's a grain-based diet that includes lots of fresh, local veggies (and some fish, but I'm not too keen on the fish thing). I like it because I like brown rice a LOT and I'm now getting that box o' veggies from the community farm every week. So, for my third Science Experiment, I am "gaining the grain"...this is how one macrobiotic cookbook puts it. The idea is to incorporate more whole grains into the diet (brown rice, amaranth, quinoa, etc...). So there's that...and there's also the gluten thing. I was reading a book last night called "Ultrametabolism", and it has these nifty little check-off boxes so you can determine why, exactly, you are so fat. One of the lists indicated I may have a gluten intolerance so I am conducting part B of my Science Experiment as going gluten wheat, no oats, no soy sauce (yes, soy sauce has wheat in it), no bread, no get the idea.

As for other Science Experiments, I am a bit sore from doing my Chicometrics video...and surprisingly, it's in a spot I wasn't sure I was getting effectively. Guess I squeezed my buns juuuuuust right!

Still no word from the hospital....don't they know what a gem I am? And that I barely flinched????

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