Monday, February 09, 2009

I'm a bad blogger

I just realized today that I've been terribly remiss in keeping the blogosphere (ok, all three of you) updated on my nursing school experience. The word for the day, ladies and gentlemen, is BUSY! Just when I think I'm caught up I'll take a look at my schedule and immediately feel like throwing up. Today was one of those days.

We are taking our first midterm in Med/Surg in two weeks and have to do write-ups on three case studies. I am currently working on one about cholecystitis, and it's already 6 pages long and I'm nowhere near finished. I am, however, learning a lot and it's totally interesting! The other two cases are about a guy with bladder cancer who has too many other problems to count and a pt with compression fractures of the spine. All of our test questions will utilize material regarding these three kinda cool.

On to other news...clinicals start tomorrow!!! Well, it's sort of a "clinical-light", because it's orientation to the hospital and includes a scavenger hunt on my unit. I am already freaked out about being late, but I suppose the usual 4 alarms I set will just have to do. As it stands now, I use a wake up call (, radio alarm clock, cell phone and iPod. Yes...every day. I'm anal like that. Or is it OCD? Anyway...

I get to wear my snappy school uniform tomorrow, and look all nursey. Hopefully no one stops me in the hall and asks me anything because I will be completely clueless!

As for the school experience far I really like all my professors, though I have to say I endured The World's Most Boring Lecture last was seriously torture. It was on the history of nursing and critical thinking...for hours. So far everyone seems really nice, though I'd be lying if I didn't say there are a few people that I'd prefer not to be stuck in an elevator with. But, I'm really trying not to be snippy, so I'll just leave it at that.

Here's hoping the nurses are nice to use tomorrow! That's one of my biggest worries...that the nurses will hate us and resent our presence on their unit. I will be as nice, helpful and professional as I know how to be...I guess that's all I really can do, huh?

Stay tuned for the post-clinical debriefing!

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