Wednesday, February 04, 2009


I'm so completely so completely tired and clinicals haven't even started yet! Instead, we've been learning extra skills on those days in a fun process called "Frontloading" that makes the first two weeks of the semester a wee bit on the crazy side. I am, however, managing to stay on top of things...and boy are there a lot of things.

By the time I close out my first two weeks of school this coming Saturday, I will have a taken 17 or so quizzes (seriously), taken two exams that are 90% or better to pass and learned the following skills:
TPR (temperature, pulse, respirations)
Blood pressure & apical pulse
Bed baths
Oral care
Ambulation and transfers
Use of restraints
Range of Motion
Accucheck (for blood glucose)
Urine elimination (Foley removal, specimen collection, condom catheters)
Bowel elimination (enemas, specimen collection, bed pans)
Ostomy care
Infection control procedures

On top of all this, I have 4 other classes which are Med/Surg (the biggie), Professional Nursing (a theory class), Therapeutic Communication, and Pharmacology. Just writing this out makes me feel sick.

So, if you haven't heard from me (and you probably haven't!) then this is why I've been too busy, exhausted, distracted. Once frontloading is over (this Saturday...yay!) then things should mellow a tiny bit...but then clinicals start, so who knows.

Wish me luck. On Saturday I have to pass a math test and a medical abbreviations test with at least a 90%. So far, none of the work has been especially difficult...just a LOT of it. I'm sure that actually applying everything I've learned is going to be the hardest part. Oh...and the Med/Surg exams. Can't wait for those! ;-)


Drofen said...

Yeesh, do you go to my school!? Because you've just described my life...

Mo said...

I go to school in Cali...but it's good to know that the torture isn't just aimed as us! It's nationwide!

It's actually been a lot of fun, but I am just worn out. Hopefully I can get a routine going soon. Wish me luck!