Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Apparently 3 weeks is all the break I can handle.

I'm bored.

I've been on break for three weeks to the day and I am bored. I've cleaned and cleaned until my cleaner is sore. I've stocked up, organized and bought all my school supplies. I've caught up on the laundry, slept in and spent time with family and friends. But now I'm bored. Classes start in 2.5 weeks and I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do with myself! So far, this is what I've come up with:

-Spend more time with friends
-Cook and freeze some more meals
-Touch up the paint in the kitchen
-Give the house one more good scrub
-Get into a rhythm with the whole exercise thing
-Review A&P...especially the tricksy stuff like the endocrine system, fluid and electrolytes, and the whole MAP feedback loop.
-Study...yes, our professor for Med/Surg has already sent us material for a quiz on the 7th. How thoughtful of her!!!

So, my goal for the next 2.5 weeks is to ENJOY the time off and not spend all my time in anticipation mode so much that I miss this much-needed and well-deserved break!

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