Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Essay, CPR and My First Nursing Gadget!

So, I thought I would show you guys my essay that I wrote for one of the programs I am applying to. Let me know if, in the words of Meredith Grey, you would "Pick me...choose me!"

When I graduated from college in 1994, I wanted a career that was fun. With this goal in mind, I pursued a career in advertising. Now that I am older, my priorities have shifted and I now aspire to have a career that is a direct extension of my values. It is of great importance to me that what I choose to spend my time and energy doing is of value to someone besides just me. I want my existence on this earth to matter to someone. I want to know that someone's day was better because I was there. I think we all have a responsibility to each do our part to make the world a better place. Spending the past fifteen years writing advertisements has, in hindsight, not afforded me the personal growth and enrichment that I find so valuable. It is my desire to now devote my energy to a more meaningful career, and there is nothing more meaningful for me than caring for others.

To me, nursing is an irresistible collage of compassion and science. It blends the fascinating complexity of the human body with our most fundamental need to care for one another. Being a nurse will grant me a front row seat at some of the most monumental moments in life. It will allow me to witness both birth and death, courage and recovery, joy and sorrow. I cannot envision an honor more great, a purpose more noble or an adventure more compelling than being a nurse.

On another note, got my Healthcare Provider CPR card today. Whoo-weee! Though it would stink if someone actually collapsed in front of me, it would be pretty cool to try my new skills. The class was supposed to go from 8-12, but thankfully I got out around 11:30-ish. I had a test at 1:00 in Anthropology so I was able to grab a quick bite at the crepe place next door to the college beforehand. As for the test...I think I killed it. Stay tuned to find out!

Annnnd, I am happy to report that I am now the proud owner of a red Littmann Master Classic II Stethoscope! My husband got it for me through his job, so I am excited! I hear these are fabulous 'scopes, and I've already been listening to the heart and lungs of anyone who will hold still. Of course, I have no idea what I'm doing, but it feels very "nurse-y" and I like it!

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Your essay is very nice. I really like your approach.

Congrats on your stethoscope purchase! That is always kind of a big deal. I have a Littman Classic and I can hear everything I need to, as long as I wear it the right way. :) Hope you have the same good luck!!