Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Another one bites the dust...

Yippe-kye-yay...another semester done and only one more to go! I ended up with a 95% in OB and a 96.4% in Peds...why do I know this? Because I have a great app called GradeCalc on my iPod. Because of this fantastic application, I walked into my Peds final knowing I only needed a 65% in order to get an A...talk about taking the pressure off!

The other two classes I had were skills labs and were credit/no credit. Pretty sure I got credit...at least I hope I did, because I sure as heck did all the BS-y assignments and running around I had to do.

Not much else of excitement to report. I've got about 8 days off and then summer school starts. I opted to take a writing intensive class this semester instead of in the fall. I figure if I end up working nights I will be really really glad to have this 18 page paper out of my hair. Plus, all my favorite peeps are taking it, so it won't be too terribly bad. I am also in the process of applying for an internship with Kaiser...there were about 40 people at the orientation for 4-8 spots...so not super great odds (and sadly, they are not basing it on GPA). I will know in about two weeks if I got that sweet little gig or not...otherwise, my only plans for the summer are to celebrate my birthday, work on my bestseller, do some gardening and spend lots of time experimenting in the kitchen. Fun fun!

Good luck on finals everyone!

1 comment:

Its said...

Way to go on your grades! That is fantastic!

I will keep my fingers crossed that you get the internship. Good luck!!

Oh and why did I not know about that app?? *must go download now...*