Thursday, January 31, 2008

San Francisco Yoga Conference

I just realized I never really talk about yoga in my blog. Why is that? Probably because I have been a baaaad yogi since school started and have not been yoga-ing as much as I would like. Anyway, in an attempt to get my Yoga MoJo back (a process initiated by no longer teaching my Saturday yoga class), I attended the San Francisco Yoga Journal Conference. If you haven't been to one of these conferences and are interested in going, you should know that it is crowded. As in lots and lots of people all over the place. And, I was really lame and only went to 3 out of the 6 classes...but the three I went to were great and taking a class with Ana Forrest was divine. I really felt my yoga MoJo in her class, and had a "yoga moment" in David Life's class, when I did my best Tittibhasana ever! Here's a pic...but that's not me...that's just some random pic I found online to show how cool this asana is. overall impression of the conference:

Thumbs up: Ana Forrest, good freebies, great Yoga Marketplace
Thumbs down: Too crowded, expensive, floors carpeted

Try Ojai instead! It's a fabulous retreat :-)

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