So in light of my recent decision to again pursue my nursing career, I am happy to report that I saw my ickiest thing to date and barely flinched...I did feel slightly light-headed but only for a moment. A dear relative of mine had surgery last week and DH and I went to ensure his comfortable recovery for a few days. For reasons totally foreign to me there was a drain inserted in the pectoral area that pulled puss and blood out of the body and into a handy little plastic bottle. Fine.
Once we were ready to leave the hospital, though, things got a bit less fine. The drain came out, leaving behind a gaping wound hole, about the diameter of a pencil...maybe a weee bit smaller. Now, I don't know about most of ya'll, but I"m not used to seeing holes in people...especially people I love. Much much less, holes that are oozing puss and blood and who knows what all. But, I am proud to say that after the first few looks, it got a lot easier...proof that one of my biggest fears about nursing won't affect me too much (the fear of gaping wound holes that produce puss and blood in copius amounts). It was actually kind of interesting, and I had to resist the urge to fuss, fluff pillows or dress any and all available wounds.
While there we took one quick foray to the Las Vegas strip where I am pretty sure I saw a total of THREE prostitutes, scored about 4 free drinks and played with the same $25 for about 2 hours. But of course, by 8:00 we were tired and, rather than wait for them to offer us a high-roller suite (which they most assuredly would have!), we called it a night and went home to bed. We are such the party animals.
1 comment:
Sounds like you're on your way to nurse'dom. I'll let you know when I see anything filthy. :)
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