Howdy friends! I am just popping in to say hi...things with school have been pretty busy and iIve generally just had a case of "the blahs" brought on my a severe case of senioritis. Only four more weeks of school and then I am a FREE WOMAN! In other good news, I only have three clinical shifts left and I'm getting one of those knocked out tonight...the last two are Sunday/Monday (knock on wood that my preceptor doesn't get called off).
In other news....wait, there is no other news. All I do is school stuff! I've been making lots of cookies lately...I'll have to post some recipes soon. Also, I recently discovered Soy Curls. OMG! The best thing evah!!!! More exciting photos and details to come as soon as I'm done with all this school BS and have time to cook and basically live my life. Oh yeah...and hunt for a job (it's bleak out there folks...very very bleak).