Monday, June 28, 2010

Ashtanga Day 1

In my quest to be less fat and more awesome, I am exploring Ashtanga yoga. Yes, I've been doing yoga for something like ten years now, but I've never full heartedly committed to one type of practice or another. And Ashtanga is pretty darn cool. Plus, and I hate to say this because it's very un-yoga-ish, but it's great for those of us who are rather goal oriented. By doing the same practice over and over and over, you can easily see where you are improving and, as such, there is always something to work on. I like that aspect of it very much. It is, however, very difficult....especially when you look at doing the whole primary series with all the jumping forward and jumping back. I do not have anywhere near the strength needed to do a proper jump back, and my forward jumps are rather clumsy (in my opinion)...exhibiting none of the floatiness of David Swensen or other Ashtanga gurus. Sigh.

But today, I was reading my Asthanga Practice Manual (Swensen), and in it he says he could not make it through the primary series at first. So, that is my motivation...because obviously, if you keep at it then it will get better...right? I have been going to a yoga studio to practice with Bill Counter (who is awesome!!!), but my lack of a job makes it difficult to go as often as I'd like. So, I am going to try very hard (notice the lack of the word "commit") to doing an Ashtanga practice daily and supplementing that with one or two trips to the studio each week. Now, when I say that I will do an Ashtanga practice daily, I do not mean I will do the entire series each day. I know me, and I know that I cannot commit to 1.5 to 2 hours of yoga every day. I will, however, at least do one of the short forms that Swensen outlines in his book, and will commit to a full series one or twice a week.

So, to report on today...I practiced in my office using Swenson's audio CD and book as guides. I left out the jump backs in the seated series and did "take-it-up" instead, hoping that this will help me gain the requisite core strength for those gorgeous floaty jump backs. Even with that adjustment, I only made it up to Supta Konasana and then decided that I was beat. I also decided that the office is no good for this practice, as there really isn't room to do a good Supta Konasana and the floor is rather dirty. So, I need to find a better spot that has more space and less dust. Maybe the living room if I move some stuff around. I really look forward to the day when I can have an entire corner to devote entirely to yoga...that will be awesome! I hate having to move things's just one more barrier and excuse to keep me on my duff and off my matt.

Also, I have had NO CHOCOLATE so far today. Really trying to make it all day!

Rainbow Cupcakes

This is the sort of trouble I get into when school is not in session:

I used the Basic Vanilla Cupcake recipe from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, then got fancy with food coloring. They are just so precious, I had to take a pic. Took a dozen to a friend's house for dinner and all but one got devoured, but only because I practiced restraint and only had one cake. Gotta get less fat, and all this baking is NOT HELPING!

Monday, June 07, 2010

It's time to cook!

Just like last summer, I am bored. And this boredom leads to lots of time in the kitchen making really good food that makes my booty not so awesome in white scrub pants. Today I made some delish Black Bean Burgers (they were great even though I completely left out one of the ingredients...oops!) and I also made these awesome cookies...

They are Mexican Chocolate Snickerdoodles! They have a nice chocolate flavor with a 'kick' of cayenne that comes in at the end and says "Howdy!". Sooo good! The cookies were from "Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar", and the burgers are from "Veganomicon." Two really awesome cookbooks.

If you are interested, the link to the recipe is here:

Other than that, I pretty much did nada. Summer is here.