Monday, August 31, 2009

Drinking wine and studying....what a difference a semester makes!

How do you know you're no longer a first-semester nursing student? When you start drinking wine while studying! Ok....this probably won't happen every night, but we had a pretty light first-day of classes and now I'm just reviewing for my dosage calc test (tomorrow A.M.) and maybe doing a couple of other small-ish homework-type things later. Nothing too major and my hubby just brought me a glass of Crane Lake Chardonnay (yummy and cheap and Trader Joe's!), so I can't just let it sit here on my desk looking all golden and delicious...this wine must be drunk!

So, we're back in it. For the most part, people seemed pretty bummed about it overall. I guess now we know what we're in for, and it's hard to get all pumped like we did last semester. In general, I think I'm ready to be's just a matter of getting back in the swing of things...back into my groove. Someone today told me I was a "legend" of our class, which makes me feel like a) these people need better role models, and b) I have to live up to my own high expectations. I guess I have a reputation for being super organized and on top of things...not sure that's entirely true, but I guess that's the image that I project. It's interesting to hear how other people see you, because I have a different impression entirely...the words stressed, exhausted, worried and unsure all come to mind. Anyway...we shall see how things shake out!

As for the first day of 2nd Semester...we had Advanced Med Surg orientation and a lecture on blood administration. Next we had Mental Health orientation and lecture and ended up getting out at around 3:30-ish. For some reason, this first-day feels a whole heck of a lot different from our first day last semester...not sure if it's because we know what to expect or if it really is less overwhelming. Check back in with me at the end of the week though...things may get dicey. Tomorrow is our dosage calculations exam (90% to pass, which isn't too horrible...keep your fingers crossed for me), and then we've got respiratory disorders lecture for 6 HOURS!!! Wednesday is another 6-hour lecture day and then Thursday is skills that will be a nice break. Friday is another mental health lecture and then orientation. Clinical doesn't start until week 3 and I believe I start out in the cardiology unit...should be fun!

Now you are officially caught up!