Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Closing out the pre-reqs in style!

I got my final grades today...I got all A's!!!!! Woo-hoo! I was a bit concerned about Statistics, but apparently that last test didn't trip me up as much as I thought it did. (jumping up, clicking heels together).

So, with that behind me I only have one more errand to run for my pre-entry requirements, which is to get my TB test read tomorrow afternoon. Then I can package up the whole lot of it and drop it off at the school and finally RELAX!!!! Ok, maybe not totally relax since I'm reviewing A&P and need to start doing some math review...but you know what I mean.

As for the authorized shopping...I have been giving the student loan a workout. I got an iPod Touch, a cool watch that pins to your shirt (so you don't harbor germs and other ick on a watch band), a wrist-watch for labs since I'm not going to wear the hospital watch anywhere but the hospital (refer back to the ick factor), lots of reference books and some sweet apps for my iPod. My favorite is the gFlash app...you can make spreadhseet flashcards using Google docs and then upload them to your phone. No more cumbersome stacks of index cards...yay!

My sister-in-law is planning a celebration dinner on Jan 15th, so I may get more treats then...maybe even the compression hose on my Amazon wish list. Did that just make me sound old? Yes, I'm afraid it did.

Orientation is in three short weeks and then I'm going to try to go see an old friend that weekend prior to school starting. Tricky timing, but she lives on the East coast and she'll be a mere 2 hours from me and I haven't seen her in years and years and years.

So...there you go. Consider yourself caught up. The real fun begins in a week or two when I go buy SCHOOL SUPPLIES! Is it just me, or does the thought of new binders just make everyone giddy?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My new goal for this winter break....SLEEP!

Yesterday when I got home from taking the "mind-f&%#@" that was my Statistics final, I had a nice little surprise waiting for me in my inbox...the nursing school orientation website! After getting a peak at the class schedule, I now know that those cozy mornings in bed are soon to be replaced by the incessant bleep of my alarm clock at hours that no good and decent person should be roused. I am mainly thinking of the clinical day...which as any nursing student call tell you starts god-awful early.

My options for clinical are: the awesome level 1 Trauma Center by my house, the also awesome yet very old hospital somewhat near my house and the shiny, new hospital that is 40 minutes away. If I am placed in the latter clinical group (it's first come, first served) then I'll be leaving my house at about 5:15 in the morning. I was debating today about growing out my hair...I think this cinches it. Off with the hair...who wants to primp when they crawl out of bed at 4 in the morning. OMG, I can't believe I just said that...I need to start getting to bed earlier. Whatever clinical group I get...I hope it's one scheduled after our "day off"...I've heard that the whole pre-clinical routine is pretty intense...anyone wanna second that?

So...aside from getting lots of sleep this winter break, I also get to do all kinds of fun errands for pre-entry, including immunization titers, drug/alcohol screen, order uniform (a dark green polo...I look horrible in dark green), buy white scrub pants (white?????), get a few other supplies, and take care of a few other sundry tasks. What I am most excited about is the authorized SHOPPING! I am really hoping for an iPod Touch, but need to figure out what software I need and if it's supported by Apple. I know many people swear by them, but just as many people say they're not necessary...I'm pretty gadget-y, so I'm leaning toward getting it...anyone want to chime in? I am also happy that we have a lab-coat as part of our uniform...it will cover the wide, white expanse that is my tush. White scrub pants? Honestly?


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How I got here and what happens next...

So it's been about a week since I found out about my acceptance into nursing school. I was pretty much in shock for a few days...it's hard to believe that something I've worked so hard for is actually going to happen. And this is coming from someone who is famous for starting projects and not so famous for finishing them. The fact that I've jumped through all these hoops so far is actually kind of amazing. I'm sure the hoop-jumping is about to get severe, but it's so hard to say. I've heard all kinds of stuff about nursing school...how it's impossible to get an A, how someone else got a 4.0, how mean the teachers are, how supportive and inspiring the teachers are, how difficult it is, how fascinating it is...so I really don't know what to expect beyond the following: not sleeping, studying constantly and crying on a pretty regular basis.

So how did I get here? Here's just a little recap of the classes I had to take as pre-requisites:
-General Chemistry (the first class I took after a 16 year hiatus!)
-Organic/Bio Chemistry (lots of drawing of molecules...bring your eraser!)
-Nutrition (super easy and actually pretty interesting)
-General Psychology (took this in College the Prequel...don't even remember it)
-Human Development (took this in College the Prequel...really interesting...easy)
-Public Speaking (took in 1988...aced it)
-English Composition (I took this as an 8-week class online...highly recommended over the traditional course)
-A critical thinking course (I wrote critically about Greek mythology all semester)
-Intermediate Algebra (like callesthenics for your brain)
-Statistics (if you like puzzles, you'll love Stats)
-Microbiology (made me totally paranoid that I had every disease I learned about)
-Anatomy & Physiology 1 and 2 (fascinating and a ton, I mean a TON, of material)
-Cultural Anthropology (easy & interesting...double bonus!)

So what's next? Though I don't have my schedule yet, I do know which classes I'll be taking. I should find out the schedule in a week or so...I am not even 100% sure what is exactly going to happen in these classes...can anyone help me out?
-Pharmacology (drugs...and it's televised so I don't have to show up anywhere...can learn in jammies!)
-Introduction to Professional Nursing (Is this the fundamentals course everyone talks about being so difficult?)
-Nursing Care of Adults (Med-Surg I?)
-Introduction to Clinical Nursing Practice (bring out the Littmann!)
-Physical Assessment of the Adult (palpating? head to toes?)
-Therapeutic Interpersonal and Group Communication (how do you feel about that?)

So for this first semester I'll have 14 units...wheeeeeeeee!

Friday, December 05, 2008

It's official! Not PRE-nursing anymore!!!

Yesterday at approximately 5:40pm, I received The Email! My acceptance into Sac State's clinical nursing program!!!! I bought this uber-cool T-shirt the day I dropped off my application and finally got to wear it today! I know, that makes me a complete dork, but dorkiness is what has propelled me this far so I'm just going to go with it.

The program had 323 applicants for I think 60 spots...either 60 or 40, but I'm pretty sure it's 60. Unlike the lottery programs, this one was based on merit so I really feel like I have accomplished something pretty monumental here. And you would agree if you could see my transcript from College Episode 1...not pretty. Now that I'm focusing on a subject that actually fascinates me, I've soared through with straight As and loved (almost) every minute of it. I guess age does has some benefits after all.

Anyway, school starts the end of January and I have an orientation the week before. Luckily, they are supplying us with an orientation website in a week or so so we can get started on all the stuff we need to do (and get...yay...authorized shopping!) in the meantime. So...once I know some scoop from that end I will update you with all the wonderful minutiae that a nursing student must endure. Stay tuned!

Monday, December 01, 2008

Two more days!

Last Wednesday the admissions person at Sac State sent an email to all the applicants letting us know that they would be emailing admissions decisions after 5:30 on Wednesday, Dec. 3rd. Of course, I didn't get the email which caused for a very tense Thanksgiving holiday, but I'm hoping it was just due to a glitch in my email address and not some subliminal message on their part. I have since updated my email address with the school and am now just waiting. I am beyond nervous, to say the least!

I've been technically waiting since October 15th, but it's these last few days that are driving me crazy, and I'm trying to get myself prepared for all possibilities. I haven't even really delved too deeply into the "if I get in" scenario beyond knowing that it will be intense. I guess I don't want to be too let down if things don't go according to plan. Actually, I haven't thought too much about the "don't get in" plan either...guess I don't want to jinx it. I guess my Plan B would be to apply for next semester, volunteer in the meantime and take my other corequisites (pharmacology, government and U.S. history) while trying to earn a bit of money and also work on my bestseller. Soooo...I guess that's Plan B. What's Plan A? Jump around the house like a lunatic, jump around some more, cry, open champagne, call everyone, update this blog and jump around some more. The bummer is that my honey won't be home...I'm going to be all alone :-(.

Think positive thoughts (if anyone's out there!)

And, on another note...my cat Oliver has decided that he is my Christmas present...