Thursday, February 21, 2008

This is what happens when you don't, "change your mind."

I found this post on a website that is like the most addicting train wreck you have ever seen...True Mom Confessions. About half the "confessions" are positive, "I have the best baby who sleeps through the night at 2 months and is already potty-trained...I'm sooo luckeeeee", and about half are of the "I want to die, motherhood is killing me" variety. A big thanks to the blog Child Free Clique for turning me on to this train wreck.

All too often people think it's necessary to force their advice and opinions on me in regards to my choice to be childfree at 37 (with a 10-year birth control device in place..thank you very much), and they tend to say things like "Oh you'll change your mind", or "It's different when it's your own kid" and a whole load of other nonsense. It's called Child Free Bingo for a reason...the same old tired phrases get thrown at me again and again. But I digress...

I came across this confession (one of hundreds) that proves that it is not DIFFERENT when it's your own...well, actually it is different. When it's your own kid you can't hand it off to its parents when it starts in with the crying and the runny nose and the poopy diaper and whatnot. So, without further ado, here's the confession:

"I am a better mom when I drink. Really. I don't get drunk. I just get buzzed enough to be relaxed. I am more tolerant of their loudness and annoying behaviour after I have had a few drinks. I will sit and listen to them ramble on about some stupid crap they are interested in when I have a drink in my hand. I am more lenient and laugh easier with them. When I am sober, I am selfish and mean. I just want them to be quiet and leave me alone. I don't want to listen to them or even be in the same room with them. I haven't always felt this way. They are teens now and they just bug the crap out of me. I HAVE to have alcohol so I won't go INSANE. I feel so awful because of this."

Do you really think this woman should have had children? Do you really think that she "changed her mind" or feels that it's "different because it's her own?" Obviously not...but someone somewhere probably forced their ideas onto her and she caved...whether it was her husband, her family, her girlfriends or just society in general...she chose a path that deliberately put her into her own personal hell. yourselves a favor. Think about it long and hard BEFORE you have kids. If it's something you want then do it and PLEASE BE GREAT AT IT. If it's not your cup of tea do not cave to societal pressure. Doing something that is 100% permanent and involves innocent others because you "might change your mind" takes a very special kind of stupid.

As I've always said..."there's not enough wine in the world."